How JoJaysonGoddessArt got started

Introduce your Etsy shop and tell us your story. How did you begin and decide on what to sell on Etsy, and how do you create your products?

I am a spiritual teacher and intuitive painter, and my  paintings are the prime focus of my business but I do a lot of teaching around their subject matter.  My Etsy shop opened in 2104 but my business had properly started in 2010 and I was selling on another platform which wasn't working very well. At that point I was not only selling paintings, prints and cards but also candles and oils and other healing tools that related to my paintings and teachings. Since then I have streamlined my products and now I sell  originals and reproductions, prints and cards and my published book and oracle deck and meditations. My paintings are made into prints by various local printers as is my oracle deck. The jewelry I sell has my designs on them and are made by a jewelry designer for me.

Favorite items

What are your favorite items? What makes these so special? Why do you think these items might be selling well?

My book and the Sacred Feminine Oracle Deck have always been my most popular products because they have all 13 Sacred Feminine images within them, and Oracle decks are always very popular with my audience. Grandmother Spider is my most popular painting, so I sell a lot of prints,wall hangings, cards, and reproductions of her regularly.

The Sacred Feminine Guidance Cards (oracle deck) and Guidebook
Book and Oracle Deck Set - The Sacred Feminine Guidance Cards (oracle deck) and Guidebook plus Book : Self-Love through the Sacred Feminine
Grandmother Spider - The weaver - 14"x21" signed Limited edition on fine art paper

Getting sales on Etsy

How long did it take for you to earn your first sale and how do you currently attract customers to your Etsy shop?

I think it was pretty soon after I opened. I have a large following on social media, and I was also doing a lot of mind-body-spirit expos, so I just directed people to my Etsy shop right away when I was advertising and posting.

Managing JoJaysonGoddessArt

How do you manage your shop? Are you running solo or do you have any team members? What tools or services do you use to run your shop and how do you handle fulfillment?

I run my shop by myself. I have the Etsy app, and I handle all shipments myself using Etsy labels, which makes life so much easier.

The future of JoJaysonGoddessArt

What goals do you have for your shop in the future?

I keep selling consistently, but of course there are lulls within the seasons; the holiday season remains my busiest time. As long as I am still painting and selling my products, I will keep my Etsy shop going. It has served me well for nearly a decade.

Advice for new sellers

What’s your advice for a new seller starting an Etsy shop?

I think social media and having a targeted audience there are vital for your Etsy shop to do well. It's easy to become a needle in a haystack on Etsy so it's important to do craft fairs or art/artisan fairs to build your audience. For me, Facebook has been my best platform to advertise my products and get people to purchase from my shop.