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How to use Alura Product Seeker

Product Seeker is a product research tool for Etsy that helps you discover successful product ideas.

Just type in a keyword, set a filter, and browse a list of Etsy best sellers. All backed by data from Etsy and an AI driven sales estimation algorithm.

Use smart filters to uncover winning product ideas based on your exact needs, niche, and preferences. Search by product keyword, categogry, estimated monthly sales, and more.

Customizing your search

Product seeker has a lot of search options to help you explore Etsy's marketplace and help you find your next potential product. Because there are many filters available, it's important to know what they are and how they work.

Keyword field

The keyword field ("Search for a product, tag, or leave empty") enables you to search for products based on keywords. This can help you find specific products you are looking for. Your search result will include listings that have your keyword included in the title or tags.

You do not need to enter a keyword. You can leave the keyword field empty and search by category, country, metrics, and item type if you like.


The category represents all the main categories and sub-categories on the Etsy marketplace. By selecting a category, only products from the category will be included in your search results. Products from unselected categories will be excluded.

You can only choose one category at a time.


The country the seller of an item is located in. By selecting a country only sellers from that country and their products will be included in your search results.

Below the main header of the search field, you'll find more advanced filters for your search. These include metrics and item type.


Metrics is one of the most important part of your search. You have the option to customize as many filters as you like. It is helpful to start with broader search criteria and narrow it down as you look through the list of products.

  • Total Sales: Choose the minimum and maximum estimated total sales for the results of your search
  • Total Revenue: This filter allows you to enter the estimated minimum and maximum total revenue for a product
  • Monthly Sales: Choose the minimum and maximum estimated monthly sales for the results of your search
  • Monthly Revenue: This filter allows you to enter the estimated minimum and maximum monthly revenue for a product
  • Price: Set the minimum and maximum listing price of items you want to see in your search results. The price needs to be set in USD, while the price will appear in the local currency for search results
  • Views: The minimum and maximum number of views for the product
  • Favorites: The minimum and maximum number of favorites for the product
  • Age: The minimum and maximum number of days a listing has been active, since the original creation date.

Item type

You have the option to filter by item type. When listing a product on Etsy, you have the option to choose your product characteristics like when it's made, category, if it's personalized, and more. The item type filter enables you to further narrow your search based on this.

  • Handmade item: Filter by handmade items. If you choose "handmade", only handmade products will be included in your search result.
  • Vintage item: Filter by products that are vintage. Etsy enables you to select vintage items under the "About this listing" field.
  • Craft supply item: Filter by craft supply items. Craft supplies are tools, ingredients, or materials whose primary purpose is for the creation of an item or special occasion.
  • Digital item: Filter by digital items. When you select "type" you have the option to choose physical or digital items. If you select "digital items" your search will include only digital items and exclude all physical items.
  • Customizable item: This refers to the personalisation option on Etsy. If you select this option, only items that are customizable will be included in your search results.

Search results

Once you hit that search button, we'll connect to Etsy's database and identify listings that match your search criteria:

25 listings are loaded by default. If your search is able to generate more than 25 search results, you will have the option to click on a load more button on the bottom of the table.

You have several options to further customize and review your search results more easily:

  • Sort: Clicking on the sort button next to price, favorites, mo.sales or mo.revenue will sort the search results by your selected metric
  • Export: You can export your results to a CSV file by clicking the Export button
  • Customize: Lets you pick what metrics that should be shown in the table

Clicking on a listing opens the sidebar which contains a more detailed view of the listing:

Here you'll be able to see specific details for this listing, including:

  • Listing title, image, and Etsy link
  • Sales: estimate monthly and lifetime sales. Learn more about our estimates here.
  • Revenue: estimated monthly and lifetime revenue.
  • Price: listing price
  • Views: total number of lifetime views
  • Favorites: total number of favorites
  • Age: number of days the listing has been available
  • Item type: handmade, vintage, craft supply, digital and customizable item
  • Tags: the listing's tags

Thanks for reading, good luck with your keyword research!

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