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Listing Helper Getting Started Guide

Alura listing helper walkthrough. Everything you need to know to make your listings shine.

Listing Helper is a listing optimization tool for Etsy. It helps you improve your listings in order to increase search rankings and sales.

Listing helper is based on Etsy's seller handbook and analyzes your product listings against Etsy's best practices to provide listing optimization recommendations. Looking at your listing title, photos, description, tags, and key metrics we give you actionable recommendations for how to improve.

Listing Helper Page

Below, you can see the listing helper page. Once you connect your shop and we finished importing and analyzing your listings this is what you'll see.

The listing helper page gives you a quick overview of your shop and your shop's listings. The page is divide into two sections:

  1. Shop overview section
  2. Listings section
Shop overview section

On the shop overview section, you will see your Etsy shop's details and your shop's Alura score. Your shop's Alura score is the average of all your listings Alura score. The Alura listing score is a score we've created to determine the quality of your listing. It's based on Etsy's seller handbook and uses your listings title, photos, description, tags, and key metrics to score your listing on a scale from 1 - 100.

In addition to your score, you'll see the total number of recommendations and suggestions we have for your shop. More about how recommendations and suggestions work below.

If you click on your shop's overview section, a dropdown will appear with key metrics for your shop: including your review rate, conversion rate, repeat customer rate, and average order value:

  • Review rate: User reviews are proven sales drivers, and something the majority of customers will want to see before deciding to make a purchase. Quite simply, user reviews increase conversions. Review rate tells you how many reviews you have per sale on Etsy. In other words, with my review rate of 10%, on average, I receive a review per 10th item sold on Etsy. You should aim to have 10% or more.
  • Conversion rate: Conversion rate tells you how many views your listings need to get one sale. The conversion rate is the number of sales divided by the total number of listing views. For example, if your Etsy shop receives 200 visitors in a month and has 50 sales, the conversion rate would be 50 divided by 200, which equals 25%. On Etsy, you should aim for 2% or higher.
  • Repeat customer rate: Repeat customer rate is the backbone of customer retention. It measures the percentage of customers willing to make a second purchase from your shop. This metric tells you how “sticky” and loyal customers you have.
  • Average order value: Average order value tracks the average dollar amount spent each time a customer places an order in your shop. To calculate this metric, we simply divide total revenue by the number of orders. Since there is a transaction cost associated with each order, increasing your AOV is a way to drive direct revenue and increase your profits, as the customer is already buying from your store. Typically, you can do this with cross-selling, upselling or volume discounts.
Listings section

Beneath your shop overview you'll find a table which includes your listings and their Alura listing score:

By default, this is sorted by the listing with the worst score, so that you can prioritize the listing with the most improvement potential.

You can search for a specific listing or sort by recommendations, suggestions, or score. In addition, you can filter by a listings sales performance, conversion rate, or potential trademark infringement:

Listing Report Page

Next up is the listing report. If you click on a listing, you'll open the listing report page:

The page includes three main sections:

  1. Listing details
  2. Recommendations
  3. Suggestion

Listing details

The listing overview section contains your listing details, Alura listing score, and the total number of recommendations and suggestions.

If you click on the listing overview section, a dropdown appears with key metrics for the listing:

  • Revenue: lifetime revenue for this listing
  • Sales: lifetime sales for this listing
  • Conversion rate: conversion rate for this listing
  • Listing age: The number of days this listing has been available on Etsy.


Recommendations are based on Etsy's seller handbook and determine your Alura listing score. If you have fewer recommendations you will get a higher score, hence you can improve your listing score by following your recommendations and updating your listing.

The recommendation section is divided into five categories: title, photos, description, tags, and other. At a glance, you can look at the icon (checkmark or exit icon) which indicates whether there is an improvement potential for a category.

If you click on a section a dropdown will appear with the specific recommendations. Open up a recommendation by clicking on it:


Listing suggestions based on best practices, but do not count towards your listing's Alura score. Factors included in suggestions are:

  • sale performance
  • conversion rate
  • trademark infringement

Improving your listing /using listing helper

To get the most out of Listing Helper, you should follow the recommendations provided and updated your listing based on the recommendations and suggestions.

You can easily access your listing by clicking on the "Edit listing" button which will take you to the edit your listing page on Etsy.

Once you are finished following the recommendations and suggestions, you can click on the "Reanalyze listing" button or bottom of the page to see how it improved:

It's always possible to get a score of 100 if you follow all the recommendations.

That's it for the listing helper tool. Good luck optimizing your listing, and feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions!

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